If you want to use the Advanced D&B-SAP Integration, some requirements have to be met that we have no influence on. Here you can find out what these requirements are and which questions you can answer in advance in-house in order to check feasibility.
The prerequisite for using the solution is an API Key for the corresponding API from Dun & Bradstreet. Nothing else needs to be installed in the Marini Integration Platform. The DataEngine is connected to your SAP system (e.g. MDM, C4C, S/4HANA) by the HubEngine. For this, your SAP system must be accessible via an API and an API user must be set up. Finally, it must be possible to set up a mashup in the instance – either by your own IT or your system administrator. To summarize you must answer the following questions positively:
1. Is there an API we could connect to (read & write)?
The connection to your SAP system does not necessarily need to be a direct one. For example, if you have several SAP systems in use and they are connected via the SAP CPI, we can also connect to the SAP CPI centrally.
Data records are created and updated via the API. A reading access is necessary to perform the duplicate check.
2. Is there a possibility to integrate iFrames or mash-ups?
C4C offers the possibility to show external content via so-called MashUps. Other SAP systems that use SAPUI5 or Fiori can also integrate iframes and thus display external content.
3. Is it possible to create “sessions” in order to authenticate via an external service (Marini Systems)?
For security reasons, authentication should be performed on the server side. For this purpose, C4C has web services that can be set up for this purpose.
4. If on premise: is an external connection to your on-premise solution allowed (inbound)?
More resources
You can find more information about the application on the overview page:
If you want to learn more about Dun & Bradstreet’s system-independent integration, you can do so on the following page: