Generally you have three sections: Accounts, Profile and News.
The structure of the HubEngine is divided hierarchically into accounts, groups and plans. An account can contain several groups. A group can contain several plans.
In the overview you will see all accounts to which you have access. Access to an account does not automatically mean that you have access to all groups in this account. If you want access, fill out the corresponding form via the Request New Account button or send your token to the admin of the account.
You will also see the number of groups, plans and relations per account. Depending on your access rights, more options (edit, +subgroup) are available than “open” ( cf. screenshot).
News will be displayed under the accounts. In the screenshot this area is still empty.
Personal Token
You can view it by clicking on the profile icon in the horizontal navigation at the top.
In the vertical navigation on the left you will find further links for help and support as well as a direct feedback form. We are looking forward to your feedback.