HubEngine Log Codes

Log codes are a systematic labeling scheme for every log message in our HubEngine.

They help to identify and categorize various events, error states, or pieces of information clearly.

On this page, you will find a list of all available log codes along with explanations of their meanings and corresponding actions. Utilize them to quickly respond to events that may occur in the HubEngine and to enhance its efficiency and reliability.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Log-Codes explained, from analysis to action

Code Message Description Action/What to do
L000 * This log code is used for all log messages that have not been further defined or provided by integrations. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team.
L001 running revision {plan_revision} triggered: {trigger} This message appears when the execution of a plan starts. It indicates the action or trigger that initiated the plan. To track historically when and by what triggers a particular plan was started, this message provides details about the plan and the triggering event.
L002 unexpected error during execution This message occurs when an unexpected error happens during execution. It indicates that there was an issue that couldn’t be categorized directly, such as interaction problems with APIs or internal errors. Due to the general nature of the error, specific details cannot be provided. If you encounter this message and don’t have a clear explanation for the issue, please reach out to our support team. We can internally investigate the problem further to understand what led to this unexpected error.
L003 exception trying to shutdown adapter instance This message occurs when an adapter instance fails to shut down properly. It indicates that there were issues stopping an adapter instance correctly. This message serves more as a notice. If this error occurs repeatedly, please contact our support team. We can investigate the issue further and take necessary steps to resolve it.
L004 plan halted by user or system This message occurs when a plan is halted either by the user via the frontend or by the system. It notifies that a plan has been halted, either by direct user intervention through the frontend or by a system maintenance stop initiated by us. If you wish to stop the plan via the frontend, you can check the log to see if and when it was halted.
L006 adapter is not ready This message occurs when an adapter fails to connect successfully to a system. It indicates that there is an issue with the adapter’s connection. This could be due to a temporary problem with the system or a configuration error. It’s recommended to check for additional log messages that may provide clues to the root cause of the issue.
L007 can not be executed earlier than scheduled, skipping plan execution This message occurs when a plan is attempted to be executed earlier than scheduled based on the schedule, but the execution is skipped. It indicates that a plan was attempted to be executed earlier than scheduled based on the schedule, but the execution was skipped. This should not happen in normal operation and serves as a notification that there may be an issue with the plan execution.
L008 overlaps with next scheduled execution, skipping plan execution This message occurs when the plan fails to execute at its scheduled time and would overlap with the next scheduled execution. It indicates that the plan’s execution is skipped to prevent double execution within the scheduled time frame. This situation may arise, for instance, if the plan takes too long to execute due to a large amount of data. In such cases, reducing the frequency of plan execution could help avoid overlapping schedules.
L009 locks could not be released This message occurs when locks preventing a plan from being executed multiple times concurrently cannot be released. It indicates a rare issue where the release of locks was unsuccessful. Typically, this error does not occur. However, we continuously monitor all plans and will automatically address it if this error happens. You don’t need to notify us about it.
L010 could not acquire locks, will be restarted after current run finishes This message appears when the software detects that there is already an instance of a plan running and no additional instances can run simultaneously. Wait for the current instance of the plan to finish, as only one instance can be running at a time.
L011 no update could be applied, stopping execution This message is displayed when a critical error occurs during interaction with a system, preventing updates from being applied to data. For safety reasons, execution is stopped. To ensure that no erroneous data is transferred, execution is halted. It is recommended to check for other error messages, especially from the integration itself. If there are no indications of the cause of the error or it’s unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L012 failed to load configuration This message occurs when the configuration of the plan fails to load. The configuration of the plan is not correct. It is recommended to contact our support team for assistance with this error.
L013 failed to initialize data mapper: {reason} This message appears when there is an error initializing the data mapper, providing the reason for the failure. There is a configuration error related to the mapping. It is recommended to check for other error messages, especially from the integration itself. If the reason for the error is unclear or no further clues are available, feel free to contact our support team.
L014 adapter interaction failed: {message} This message occurs when there is a critical issue with the adapter, with the specific problem provided in the message. Typically, this error does not occur. We continuously monitor all plans, and if such an error does occur, we will take care of it without requiring notification from you.
L015 adapter:{adapter_id} does not implement input interface, can not fetch changes This message appears when the selected system does not support fetching changed records, and the adapter with the specified ID does not implement the input interface. The integration with the chosen system does not support fetching changed records. It is recommended to contact our support team for assistance with this error.
L020 an error occurred while mapping ({mapping_type}) {input_field} to {output_field}: {message} This message appears when there is an error while applying the mapping to a record. It includes the type of mapping, the input field, the output field, and a specific error message. Double-check your data and the mapping involved. Consider modifying the plan configuration to prevent this issue from occurring in the future.
L021 field “{input}” is mapped to “{output}”, but not available in supplied data This message is generated when a field defined in the mapping (referred to as “input”) is not available in the supplied dataset. The HubEngine simply notifies that a field defined in the mapping is not present in the supplied data. It serves as a mere indication. It’s advisable to review the mapping to ensure whether this is intentional.
L022 no relation for record:{record_id} found, value: %s This message appears when the HubEngine detects that no relation was found for a specific record while the relation lookup function is being used in the mapping. The HubEngine simply notifies that no relation was found for the specified record. This message serves as an indication and does not directly impact the workflow.
L023 a regex with multiple match groups is defined, modify the regex pattern into transformation format to proccess all match groups This message appears when a regex function is used in the mapping, and the pattern contains multiple match groups. The HubEngine assumes by default that data transformation is desired, which doesn’t align with the current pattern. Ensure that your regex pattern is accurate and that your use case actually requires data transformation. It is recommended to adjust the regex pattern accordingly to achieve the desired functionality.
L024 Escaping utf-8 string sequence This message appears when an XML escape is used in the mapping, and the HubEngine indicates that UTF-8 characters will be escaped. This notification only appears in the plan’s debug mode and serves as a reminder. It indicates that UTF-8 characters will be automatically escaped when using the XML escape feature.
L025 skipping XML escape, returning unmodified, character encoding is not supported This message is generated when an XML escape is supposed to be applied in the mapping, but the data is in an unsupported format. The HubEngine preemptively warns that no changes will be made to the data as the character encoding is not supported. It is advisable to check the input data and ensure they contain only supported characters.
L030 fetching changed records since {since} from adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed when the HubEngine starts fetching changed records since a specified time point, indicated by “since”. This is a notification that the HubEngine has started fetching changed records since the specified time point.
L031 failed to load modified records This message appears when the attempt to fetch modified records fails. It is recommended to check for other error messages, especially from the integration itself. If the reason for the failure to retrieve the records is unclear or no further clues are available, feel free to contact our support team.
L032 fetched {count} changed records in adapter:{adapter_id} since {since} This message is displayed when the retrieval of changed records has been successfully completed. The number of retrieved records is indicated by “{count}”, and the time since which the records were retrieved is indicated by “{since}”. This is a notification that the retrieval of changed records has been successfully completed.
L033 failed to fetch changed records adapter:{adapter_id}: {message} This message appears when the attempt to fetch changed records from the specified system fails. The exact error message is displayed in “{message}”. It is recommended to check for other error messages, especially from the integration itself. If the reason for the failure to retrieve the records is unclear or no further clues are available, feel free to contact our support team.
L034 fetched {field_count} fields of related record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message appears when the HubEngine retrieves data fields of a related record from the target adapter with the specified adapter ID and record ID. This occurs when the record is needed for evaluating conditions or other processing steps. This notification serves as a reminder and is visible only in debugging mode. It indicates that data fields of a related record have been fetched to continue processing.
L035 checking relations for {count} pending records This message occurs when the software is checking relations for a specified number of pending records. As a user, you can simply consider this message as a notification. The software is performing a routine check of relationships for the mentioned number of records.
L036 omitted {count} creation records because the connection is set to update-only mode This message occurs when a certain number of creation records are skipped because the connection is set to update-only mode. As a user, you can simply consider this message as a notification. The software is skipping the specified number of records because the configuration dictates that only updates should be performed and there is already a connection for these records.
L037 skipped {count} update records as the connection is set to create-only mode This message occurs when a certain number of update records are skipped because the connection is set to create-only mode. As a user, you can simply consider this message as a notification. The software is skipping the specified number of records because the configuration dictates that only new records should be created and there is no connection for these records.
L038 checked relations in {time} seconds (creates: {totalCreate}, updates: {totalUpdate}, skipped: {totalSkipped}) This message occurs after the software has successfully checked the relations and indicates how long this process took. As a user, you can simply consider this message as a notification. The software has successfully checked the relations and provides a summary of the number of records created, updated, and skipped, giving you an overview of the process.
L039 checking relations finished {status} adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed when the resolution of relations is completed. Checking relations finished {status} for adapter:{adapter_id}. The resolution of relations is completed. This message serves as a mere notification.
L040 checking for collisions completed in {time} seconds (no updates) This message is displayed after the collision check has been completed, and no updates were made. The time taken for the check is indicated by “{time}”. This is a notification that the collision check has been completed, but no updates were necessary. This message serves as a mere indication.
L041 * checking for collisions completed in {time} seconds (only updates in adapter:{adapter_id})
* checking for collisions completed in {time} seconds (only updates in secondary)
These messages appear after the collision check has been completed, and only one-sided updates have occurred either in the specified adapter or in the secondary source. The time taken for the check is indicated by “{time}”. These messages serve as indications that the collision check could be performed quickly due to only one-sided updates in either the specified adapter or the secondary source.
L042 * can not determine latest update, applying record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} and skipping mapped record:{output_adapter_id}:{mapped_id}
* can not determine latest update, skipping record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} in favor of mapped record:{output_adapter_id}:{mapped_id}
* applying record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} and skipping mapped record:{output_adapter_id}:{mapped_id}
* skipping record:{output_adapter_id}:{record_id} in favor of mapped record:{input_adapter_id}:{mapped_id}
These messages occur when there are records that could potentially collide, indicating which records are being prioritized or skipped. The messages serve as a notice of collisions between records. Depending on the message, certain records are prioritized or skipped. This is done to resolve conflicts or maintain specific logic in data synchronization. It’s a normal process during the integration flow.
L043 checking for collisions completed in {time} seconds This message is displayed after the collision check has been completed. The time taken for the check is indicated by “{time}”. This is a notification that the check has been completed to determine if there are any changes in records from both connected systems that would cause conflicting updates. This message serves as a mere indication.
L043 checking for collisions finished {status} This message is displayed when the collision checking step is completed. Checking for collisions finished {status}. The collision checking step is completed. This message serves as a mere notification.
L044 skipping record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} mapped to record:{output_adapter_id}:{output_record_id}, a condition is configured to check related output record, but the related record could not be fetched This message is displayed when a record linked to a record in the target system is skipped because a condition requires fetching the related record in the target system, but it could not be fetched. Skipping record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} mapped to record:{output_adapter_id}:{output_record_id}, a condition is configured to check related output record, but the related record could not be fetched. This message serves as a mere notification. It may be the intended behavior.
L050 applying pending updates This message appears when the processing of all pending updates for changed records is started. It is a notification that the processing of pending updates has begun. This message serves as a mere indication.
L051 removed less entries in stream than expected, {actual} {expected} This message appears when fewer entries are removed from the underlying internal queue than expected. The actual number of removed entries is indicated by “{actual}”, while the expected number is indicated by “{expected}”. This error typically does not occur. We continuously monitor all plans, and if such an error does occur, we will take care of it without requiring notification from you.
L052 failed to check if {count} records exists in adapter:{adapter_id} This message appears when the software attempts to check if a certain number of records exists in an adapter, but the check fails. When you see this message, you should check other messages, possibly generated by the integration itself. If there are no further indications of the reason for the failure or if the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L053 failed to retrieve {count} records from adapter:{adapter_id} This message appears when the software attempts to retrieve a certain number of records from an adapter, but encounters errors during the process. When you encounter this message, check other messages, possibly generated by the integration itself. If there are no further indications of the reason for the error or if the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L054 exception while loading changes: {message} This message occurs when a critical error happens while retrieving changed records. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to reach out to our support team.
L055 record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} has not been modified since last synchronization, so it will be skipped This message occurs when it is determined that a record has not been modified since the last synchronization and will therefore be skipped. By comparing the modification date of the record with the timestamp of the last modification by the HubEngine itself, it was found that no changes have occurred to the record. Thus, transmission is unnecessary, or an update loop is prevented. This message serves as a mere notification.
L056 conditions of record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} evaluated to false, will not be applied This message occurs when the configured conditions for a specific record are not met and therefore will not be applied. The configured conditions were not met for the specified record, so it will not be transmitted. This message serves as a mere notification.
L057 failed to apply updates This message occurs when an unknown error happens during the processing of records, and execution is preemptively deactivated. Failed to apply updates. An unknown error occurred during the processing of records, leading to the deactivation of execution. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to reach out to our support team.
L058 record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} is already created This message occurs when a record is skipped because it has already been created in the target system, and the configuration is set to only create new records. Skipping record because it is already created in the target system and the connection is configured to create only new records. This message serves as a mere notification.
L059 skipping record:{adapter_id}:{record_id}, because record is not created and plan is configured to update only This message occurs when a record is skipped because it does not exist in the target system, and the configuration is set to only update existing records. Skipping record because it is not created in the target system and the connection is configured to update only existing records. This message serves as a mere notification.
L060 adapter returned no data for record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message occurs when no data can be retrieved for a specific record via the integration. The adapter returned no data for the record. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to reach out to our support team.
L061 adapter issue trying to retrieve record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} {message} This message occurs when there is an issue trying to retrieve a specific record from the specified system. Adapter issue trying to retrieve the record. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to reach out to our support team.
L062 applying record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} to adapter:{output_adapter_id} This message occurs when a record is being applied from the input adapter to the output adapter. Applying record to the adapter. The record will be created or updated in the target system. This message serves as a mere notification.
L063 nothing to do with record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message occurs when it is determined that nothing can be done with a specific record. Nothing to do with the record. This message serves as a mere notification.
L064 failed to backpersist record:{output_adapter_id}:{created_id} to record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} This message is displayed when the identifier of the newly created record could not be successfully backpersisted to the source system. Failed to backpersist record to record. The identifier of the newly created record could not be successfully backpersisted to the source system. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L065 could not check if record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} already exists This message is displayed when the integration cannot ensure whether a specific record already exists in the target system. Can not make sure target record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} already exists. The integration provided no or an ambiguous response when checking if certain records exist. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L066 failed to create {count} records adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed when there is an error while creating records, and a certain number of records could not be successfully created. Failed to create {count} records for adapter:{adapter_id}. There was an error while creating records. Some records could not be successfully created. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L067 number of created records in adapter:{adapter_id} mismatches expected number of records This message is displayed when the number of created records does not match the expected number. Number of created records mismatches expected number of records. Fewer new records were created than expected. This can happen if certain rules or conditions need to be met in the target system. Check your mapping configuration and look for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L068 got no valid id for record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message is displayed when an invalid ID is returned while creating a record. Got no valid id for record:{adapter_id}:{record_id}. An invalid ID was returned while creating a record. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L069 failed to create record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message is displayed when creating a record in the target system fails due to an error. Failed to create record:{adapter_id}:{record_id}. Creating a record in the target system failed due to an error. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L070 there are {count} not applied pending backpersist creates, processing them first This message occurs when IDs of created records were not successfully transferred in past executions, and now an attempt is being made to process them. There are {count} not applied pending backpersist creates. Processing them first. This message indicates that an attempt is being made to catch up on IDs of created records that were not successfully transferred in past executions to ensure data consistency. This message serves as a mere notification.
L071 failed to process backpersist creates, stopping execution adapter:{adapter_id} This message occurs when, despite repeated attempts to transfer IDs of created records, something fails. Failed to process backpersist creates, stopping execution for adapter:{adapter_id}. Even after repeated attempts to transfer IDs of created records, something failed. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to reach out to our support team.
L072 applying records ended {status} adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed when the processing of records to be applied is completed. Applying records ended {status} for adapter:{adapter_id}. The processing of records to be applied is completed. This message serves as a mere notification.
L073 marking {count} records as deleted adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed to provide a summary of the number of records marked as deleted in a specific adapter. Marking {count} records as deleted in adapter:{adapter_id}. {count} records are being marked as deleted in the adapter {adapter_id}. This message serves as a mere notification.
L074 marked {count} records as deleted adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed to provide a summary of the number of records marked as deleted in a specific adapter. Marked {count} records as deleted in adapter:{adapter_id}. {count} records have been marked as deleted in the adapter {adapter_id}. This message serves as a mere notification.
L075 record:{input_adapter_id}:{record_id} mapped to record:{output_adapter_id}:{relation_id} has been deleted This message occurs when a record in the target system, which was previously mapped to another record, has been deleted. Record mapped to record has been deleted. This message indicates that the record in the target system has been deleted, hence no data update can occur. This message serves as a mere notification.
L076 setting backpersist delete field “{field}” of record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message occurs when a field of a record in the source system is marked because the corresponding record in the target system has been deleted. Setting backpersist delete field “{field}” of record. Since the record in the target system has been deleted, a field of a record in the source system is marked accordingly, as defined in the plan configuration. This message serves as a mere notification.
L077 could not determine field type for backpersist delete field “%s”, defaulting to (bool) true This message is displayed when the field type cannot be determined for the backpersist delete field, and therefore, a boolean value (true) is defaulted to. Could not determine field type for backpersist delete field “%s”, defaulting to (bool) true. The integration does not provide a data type for this field. Make sure this field is desired and assumes the expected value.
L078 converting backpersist delete value to match given type “%s” of backpersist delete field “%s” This message is displayed in debug mode when the value for the backpersist delete field is automatically converted to match the data type of the target system. Converting backpersist delete value to match given type “%s” of backpersist delete field “%s”. The configured value for the backpersist delete field is automatically adjusted to match the data type of the target system. This message serves as a mere notification and appears only in debug mode.
L079 backpersist delete value conversion to type “%s” is not supported, defaulting to raw input value This message is displayed when the conversion of the value for the backpersist delete field to the specified data type is not supported, and therefore, the raw input value is used. Backpersist delete value conversion to type “%s” is not supported, defaulting to raw input value. The backpersist delete field has an unsupported data type, so the input value will be passed through without conversion. Make sure this field is desired.
L080 received {field_count} fields for record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message occurs when a certain number of fields have been received for a record from the source system. Received {field_count} fields for record. This message is for debugging retrieved fields from the source system and is only shown in debugging mode. It indicates how many fields have been received for a specific record. This message serves as a mere notification.
L081 mapped {field_count} fields of record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message is displayed in debug mode when a certain number of fields have been successfully mapped for a record. Mapped {field_count} fields of record. This message is for debugging mapped fields and is only shown in debug mode. It indicates how many fields have been successfully mapped for a specific record. This message serves as a mere notification.
L082 after applied actions, {field_count} fields of record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message is displayed in debug mode after actions have been applied, indicating how many fields have been successfully mapped for a record. After applied actions, {field_count} fields of record. This message is for debugging mapped fields after actions have been applied and is only shown in debug mode. It indicates how many fields have been successfully mapped for a specific record. This message serves as a mere notification.
L083 created record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message is displayed when a record with the specified ID has been successfully created in the target system by the HubEngine. Created record:{adapter_id}:{record_id}. The record with the shown ID has been successfully created in the target system by the HubEngine. This message serves as a mere notification.
L084 created {count} records in adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed to provide summary information about the number of records created in a specific adapter. Created {count} records in adapter:{adapter_id}. {count} records have been successfully created in the adapter {adapter_id}. This message serves as a mere notification.
L085 processing {count_prepared} records prepared to update, {count_deleted} were deleted adapter:{adapter_id} This message occurs while the software is processing records prepared for update and indicates the number of deleted records detected. As a user, you can simply consider this message as a notification. The software is processing the specified number of records prepared for update and informing you about the number of records detected as deleted, along with the adapter ID.
L086 failed to update {count} records adapter:{adapter_id} This message occurs when the software fails to update a certain number of records and provides the ID of the affected adapter. As a user, it’s advisable to check for other messages, especially those directly from the integration, to identify possible causes for the issue. If there is no indication of the reason for the failure or if it’s unclear, feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance.
L087 record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} update successful This message occurs after the software successfully updates a specific record and provides the IDs of the adapter and the updated record. As a user, you can simply consider this message as a notification. The HubEngine has successfully updated the specified record.
L088 failed to update record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} This message occurs when the software fails to update a specific record and provides the IDs of the adapter and the affected record. As a user, it’s advisable to check for other messages, especially those directly from the integration, to identify possible causes for the issue. If there is no indication of the reason for the failure or if it’s unclear, feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance.
L089 updated {count} records adapter:{adapter_id} This message occurs after the software successfully updates a certain number of records and provides the ID of the adapter involved. As a user, you can simply consider this message as a notification. The software has successfully updated the specified number of records, and it also specifies the ID of the adapter involved.
L090 record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} will be retried on next run This message is displayed when a temporary error occurs during the processing of a record, and the transmission of the record will be retried on the next run. Record will be retried on the next run. A temporary error occurred during the processing of the record, so the transmission of the record will be retried on the next run. This message serves as a mere notification. If the error occurs frequently and repeatedly, feel free to contact our support team.
L091 record:{adapter_id}:{record_id} will not be retried anymore This message is displayed when a record has been repeatedly attempted to be transmitted, but always encountered a temporary error, and therefore no further attempts will be made. Record will not be retried anymore. This record has been repeatedly attempted to be transmitted, but always encountered a temporary error. Therefore, no further transmission attempts will be made for this record. Check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L092 there are {count} hooked changes, processing them first This message is displayed when there are changed records reported via webhook, which are being processed with priority. There are {count} hooked changes, processing them first. This message serves as a mere notification.
L093 fetched {count} records from adapter:{adapter_id} to retry after failed in a previous run This message is displayed when records were marked for retry in the last run. They are now being retrieved and processed again. There are {count} records that will be fetched again.
L097 applying records ended {status} adapter:{adapter_id} This message is displayed when the processing of records in a specific adapter is completed. Applying records ended {status} in adapter:{adapter_id}. The processing of records in the adapter {adapter_id} is completed. This message serves as a mere notification.
L098 fetching changed records finished {status} adapter:{adapter_id} This message occurs when the fetching of changed records from an adapter is completed. It serves as a pure notification, indicating that the retrieval of changed records has been successfully completed. This information can be useful for tracking the progress or status of a data retrieval process.
L099 plan finished {state} in {time} seconds This message occurs at the end of a plan’s execution. It provides the duration of how long the plan ran effectively. This allows historical tracking of how long plan executions have taken.
L101 Confirming OAuth2.0 This message is displayed when the OAuth2.0 authorization check is started. Confirming OAuth2.0. Start of OAuth2.0 authorization check. This message serves as a mere notification.
L102 OAuth2.0 authorization successful This message is displayed when the OAuth2.0 authorization check is successfully completed. OAuth2.0 authorization successful. The OAuth2.0 authorization check has been successfully completed. This message serves as a mere notification.
L103 OAuth2.0 authorization failed This message is displayed when the OAuth2.0 authorization check fails. OAuth2.0 authorization failed. There was a problem with the authorization check. Check the provided credentials and other configuration options of the adapter. Also, check for other messages, such as from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the cause or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.
L110 Webhook “{webhook}”, returned status {status}: {content} This message is displayed when a webhook is successfully called and returns a status feedback. Webhook “{webhook}” returned status {status}: {content}. This message serves as a mere notification and helps to track when webhooks are triggered.
L111 Webhook “{webhook}”, returned status {status}: {content} {failure} This message is displayed when a webhook is called, but returns a failed status. Webhook “{webhook}” returned status {status}: {content} {failure}. Please check the webhook URL and if the call is compatible.
L112 failed to call webhook “{webhook}”: {reason} This message is displayed when a general error occurs while calling a webhook. Failed to call webhook “{webhook}”: {reason}. This message indicates a general error during the webhook call. Please also check other messages, especially from the integration itself. If there is no indication of the reason for the error or the reason is unclear, feel free to contact our support team.

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