Cloud and hybrid Integration

With the Marini Integration Platform, you can integrate systems regardless of their hosting. While integrations of systems in the cloud are often the standard, many companies host their systems in private networks (on-premises) for security reasons. The Marini Integration Platform supports the integration of systems regardless of their hosting. Therefore, cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-on-premises (hybrid) integrations are supported.

Cloud Integration

Bidirectional integration workflows ensure that your process does not end once data has been transferred from system A to system B – just like unidirectional integration workflows. After data has been transferred from system A, another action is triggered either directly or time-controlled, so that new or modified data is sent back to system A.

Technical implementation

Cloud to cloud integration is the standard. For this, select your systems in the plan configuration of the HubEngine, store your access data and configure the synchronization modalities such as triggers, mappings and conditions.

MARINI Diagram - Cloud Integration
Cloud Integration

Hybrid Integration

The Marini Integration Platform allows you to integrate systems hosted in the cloud or on-premises. It doesn’t matter in which combination you want to set up the integration. You can easily implement pure cloud integrations, hybrid integrations or even on-premises to on-premises with the Integration Platform.

Technical implementation

The prerequisite for hybrid integration is that access to the private network is possible. This is independent of the platform and must be discussed and organized with your system administrator. Subsequently, all technical requirements for the connection to the on-premises hosted system are regulated in the adapter of the HubEngine plan. Only the corresponding access data and further information must be stored. These differ from system to system.

MARINI Diagram - Hybrid Integration
Hybrid Integration


With the Marini Integration Platform, pure cloud integrations as well as hybrid integrations are easily possible. While hybrid integration requires a bit more effort from your system admin, you won’t notice a significant difference when configuring in the HubEngine.

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