What is the difference between an adapter and a connector?

To link two endpoints/systems with the HubEngine, you need the corresponding adapters for these systems. The adapters are responsible for interacting with the specific APIs of the different systems. The adapters manage the API endpoint-specific peculiarities such as call methods and the like. A standardised exchange takes place between two adapters of the HubEngine. This way, data can be exchanged between two systems or their APIs with the HubEngine. The adapters act as a kind of translator. In fact, you can use the HubEngine to synchronise any endpoints with each other. The actual implementation of two adapters that are linked is called a plan.

Connectors are ready-made plans in the HubEngine. All you have to do is enter your credentials for the respective systems and activate the connector. Connectors contain standard configurations for system integrations. For example, there are connectors for integrating a Salesforce Sales Cloud contact module with a DataEngine contact module. Here, all settings are already configured, so you save time when setting up.

A list of all available adapters can be found here. If you need specific connectors, ask us and we will help you.

HubEngine Public Plans
On https://hubengine.marini.systems/public/plans you can find a list overview of all available HubEngine Adapters. If you do not find your system, just contact us and we will check it!

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