Industrial Manufacturing

Enterprise Data Integration for B2B Sales

B2B sales are characteristic of the industrial companies among our customers. Sales processes are complex and long, and very often several contact persons and decision-makers are involved. In industry, therefore, you often find account-based marketing with quality-oriented sales. Accordingly, the sales teams also deal with a smaller number of customers.

Intergrate all marketing and sales systems in the manufacturing industry

Cloud, hybrid, on-premises, all endpoints, unlimited volume

Use the possibilities of digitization smarter and increase your successes

Control complexity

Seamlessly integrate all systems used
The often highly diverse offerings in mechanical engineering lead to complexity in structures, processes and in the buying center. This is reflected not only in the number of systems used (marketing automation, CRM, ERP, etc.) but also in the structure of the data and thus its management.

Intensify customer relationships

All relevant data available and visible at all times
The research and decision-making phase for machine manufacturing customers is relatively long and many parameters have to be checked before the purchase. Since the decision also strongly influences the processes of the customer company, a long and intensive customer relationship often evolves, which must be maintained and documented.

Raise potentials

Clean and integrated data for more potential exploitation
Mechanical engineering offerings hold great potential for follow-up business such as repurchases, cross/up-selling and services. This potential can only be activated if information about all activities is available transparently and processes can be controlled across all systems. This is also the basis for data analytics, which you can integrate into your processes.

Connect teams

Let your teams work in real time with synchronized data
Many areas in the company are involved in the process of marketing mechanical engineering offers. From marketing to internal sales, field sales, key account management and service. Optimal sales success can only be achieved if all areas work together smoothly and all handle synchronized data – thanks to integrated systems and processes.

Integrate data

Provide your sales department with the optimal customer overview
The sales process in mechanical engineering is long and many contact persons are involved on the supplier and customer side. Information about activities and contacts is collected and managed at many touchpoints (Linkedin, website, personal contact, etc.) and in many systems. Integrate these systems with each other for connected data and processes.

Related pages and resources

Bei der digitalen Vermarktung unserer Milchprodukte setzen wir auf Marini Systems

“Die performante und sichere Enterprise Data Integration Platform von Marini Systems lässt sich auch in Zukunft anpassen und erweitern. Mit dem Team von Marini Systems haben wir einen starken Partner für die Digitalisierung.”

Matthias Glauser, Leiter Digitalmarketing, Swissmilk

Leading SMEs, corporations and institutions already trust in MARINI.