D-U-N-S stands for Data Universal Numbering System and is used for the unique identification of companies, institutions and organizations. The DUNS number is assigned, managed and issued by Dun & Bradstreet and thus enables unique identification of a company in various data sources in the business world.

It is hence a persistent identifier – as in the case of the Golden Record.


ERP CRM  Lead-Management
ID 1234 abcd 1a2b
Account Name Marini Systems GmbH Marini Systems Marini
Contact john.doe@marini.de j.doe@marini.de
Street Kaiserstraße 57 Kaiserstr. 57 Kaiser Straße
City  Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt
Country Germany GER DE

In the table above, there is a record for Marini Systems in all three systems. The spellings are different across the systems. Using a Dun & Bradstreet integration, the records can be assigned a D-U-N-S number (PID), making them uniquely identifiable as one company across all three systems.

This would look like:

ERP CRM  Lead-Management
D-U-N-S 34-193-4194 34-193-4194 34-193-4194
ID 1234 abcd 1a2b
Account Name Marini Systems GmbH Marini Systems Marini
Contact john.doe@marini.de j.doe@marini.de

By the way, the D-U-N-S number in the table is the real one for Marini Systems 🙂

Dun & Bradstreet’s service can also be used to validate and standardize address data as well as numerous other company data. Thus, the format of fields such as address would be consistent across all systems.

Die D-U-N-S in deine Systeme bringen

In addition to validation and “DUNSing”, you can also enrich your data with Dun & Bradstreet’s data services. Via the Marini Integration Platform you bring the D-U-N-S number and all additional data like financial or risk data into your systems. The data services of Dun & Bradstreet are natively connected to the Marini Integration Platform. Using the HubEngine you can now synchronize the data into your systems.

If you have an SAP system in use, you can also leverage our ready-to-use application “Advanced D&B-SAP Integration“. This provides you with an interface in your SAP system to assign DUNS numbers to your accounts.

If you are interested in a Dun & Bradstreet integration, contact our sales department.

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