Does Marini Systems have an Incident Response Plan (IRP)?

In short: Yes.

Our products are mostly used for the integration and orchestration of sensitive and personal data. Thus, data protection and data security are important components that have a high priority in all departments of Marini Systems.

We are happy to provide details of the IRP (Incident Response Plan) and also the supplementary DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) on request. Here is the link to all relevant documents on the topics of data protection and data security.

Beim IRP, der im Deutschen auch Vorfallreaktionsplan genannt wird, orientieren wir uns an den Empfehlungen des Incident Handler’s Handbook, das vom SANS Institute zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Der grundlegende Prozess des IRP ist in folgender Grafik skizziert.

For the IRP, we follow the recommendations of the Incident Handler’s Handbook provided by the SANS Institute. The basic process of the IRP is outlined in the following diagram.

Incident Response Cycle
The IRC covers all stages of an attack. It is designed as a loop to ensure constant preparation.

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