DMP (Data Management Platform)

A Data Management Platform (DMP) is a technology platform used to collect and manage data, mainly for digital marketing purposes.

Features of DMPs

Ad Targeting

Creating audience segments and targeting specific users with personalised ad campaigns.
User profiling: the DMP is used for profiling customers. A user profile is a set of data representing a real person about user-related information, e.g. needs, interests or behaviours.

Business Insights

DMPs provide insights about customers or services. The platforms are also used to enrich internal CRM systems with external data. The CRM enrichment process integrates user data to create a 360-degree customer view. New user data includes attributes such as interests, purchase intentions, websites visited or online behaviour.

Audience Analytics

DMPs are used to analyse the behaviour and profiles of online customers (i.e. general interests, purchase intentions, behaviour) to find the best converting target group and address them in online campaigns.

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