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Data Types in the MARINI Integration Platform

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Communication network concept. Network business.

The MARINI Integration Platform offers versatile tools for structuring and processing data, including various data types tailored for specific use cases. Below is an overview of the available data types, their descriptions, and typical use cases.

Data Type Description Use Case (Example)
Checkbox Creates a checkbox for data fields with a Yes/No action. Stored as 0/1 (Boolean) in the database. When a simple feature applies to the record (e.g., Consent given).
Checkbox Multienum Describes multiple selection options displayed as checkboxes. Stored as comma-separated values. Selecting multiple options (e.g., industries of a company).
Date Field to enter a date, supports a date-picker. Whenever a date value is needed.
DateTime Field to enter a date and time, supports a date-time picker. Date values with time, e.g., scheduling appointments.
Decimal Stores decimal numbers with optional precision. Monetary values, grade calculations.
DropDown Single-select dropdown with predefined values. Choosing a title or salutation.
E-Mail Text field for entering an email address with a mail-to link. Making email addresses clickable directly from the system.
Flex Relate Extension of a relate field to visualize links without actual relations in the database. Email import into different modules.
Float Stores floating-point numbers with optional precision. Monetary values, bits.
iFrame Stores a URL to display external content. Displaying external images or contents of a contact.
Image Field to upload and display an image. Uploading contact pictures (e.g., profile picture).
Integer Stores whole numbers in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Serial numbers, counters.
JSON Stores JSON arrays for structured data. Transforming data directly in JSON format.
Multiselect Dropdown list to select multiple values. Choosing interests or categories.
Phone Field for entering phone numbers with a phone-to feature. Linking phone numbers to apps for direct dialing.
Radio Displays a single-select list as radio buttons. Selecting a title or salutation.
Relate Selects a module to display a relationship without creating an actual relation. Displaying links to records without permanent visibility in other modules.
TextArea Open text field for multiline inputs. Notes or free text input.
TextField Field for a single text line with a maximum length of 255 characters. IDs or data not requiring range searches.
URL Stores a URL and displays it as a clickable link. Linking to external sources.
WYSIWYG Text field with a text editor for formatting. Styled texts with elements like bold markers.
Topics: Tutorials

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